Dragging the button to the right opens a new column. When you mouse over the lower right-hand corner of the window, a bright blue column button animates into view. Tweetbot has also added an interesting new way to open multiple columns. When you click on your avatar, you can click on other accounts you’ve added to Tweetbot to view them in the same window or click on the arrow to the right of the account name to open it in a separate window, which was something that was previously only available as a right-click action.ĭrag the multi-column button to the right to open additional columns.
The update also makes it easier navigate multiple accounts. The navigation menu for the Account, Likes, Muted, and List sections all provide quick access to your profile (a slightly different presentation of the account view), tweets, likes, mutes, and lists. When you are in the Direct Message and Search sections, the title bar navigation menu lists your ten most recent direct messages and your first ten saved searches. By limiting Notifications to Mentions, my Activity is now an extra click away, but that’s fine because it’s not a section I regularly use anyway. The dropdown menu that’s accessible by clicking on the word ‘Navigation’ in the title bar lets you filter the list so that it includes only Mentions or Activity. Fortunately, you’re not stuck with the combined list. When you first open Notifications, you’ll see that mentions, likes, retweets, and follows are all combined into a unified chronological list, which, frankly, I don’t like. Timeline navigation has not changed, but right below that is a new bell icon for Notifications, which includes what were separate Mentions and Activity sections. Tweetbot 3 adds title bar navigation within sidebar sections. Coupled with a drop-down navigation menu at the top of Tweetbot’s window, the update makes navigating Tweetbot easier than ever. The changes go deeper than a simple reordering though. The other change to Tweetbot you’ll notice right away is that the sidebar for navigating different sections has been rearranged. Tweetbot 3 also debuts a new dark mode that sets the background of displayed tweets to dark gray. 1 Another new preference is an option to auto-play videos that appear in your timeline. The row of buttons at the bottom of each tweet means fewer tweets fit vertically into Tweetbot’s window, but that can be mitigated by more font size options and the ability to hide media previews.
My favorite addition to Tweetbot is the Share action, which accesses Mac app extensions making it simple to send a tweet’s link to other apps like Things, DEVONthink, Notes, or any other app you have installed that accepts URLs. Opening a tweet in Safari is handy for voting in polls, for example, which you can’t do in third-party Twitter clients, but I don’t understand the purpose of Open Link/Media, which requires an extra click compared to simply following a link in the body of a tweet, especially since the action only opens the last link in a tweet.

The button with the gear icon includes the same tweet actions as the older version with the addition of the ability to open a tweet in Safari, Open Link/Media, and Share. Tweetbot 3 (right) has share extension support via each tweet’s gear button. The button with the silhouette of a person accesses the same sort of actions you could previously find by right-clicking on a user’s avatar or visiting their profile page: public reply, Add/Remove from Lists, Disable Retweets, Enable Notification, Open Profile in Safari, Unfollow, Mute for 24 Hours, Block User, and Block and Report for Spam.

The last two buttons in the row consolidate account and tweet-related actions found in a variety of places in Tweetbot 2.5.

Previously, a tweet’s buttons were only visible if a tweet was selected or moused over. However, the most noticeable change is the dedicated row of light gray buttons along the bottom of each tweet for replying, liking, retweeting or quote-tweeting, and performing account or tweet actions. Media included in quoted tweets is more prominent, retweet information has been moved to the top of a tweet, and tweet details show whether the person tweeting follows you. Individual tweets have a different look too. Tweetbot version 2.5 (left) and version 3.0 (right)